Pootharekulu - Andhra pradesh favorite dish

 Lets start with the recipe



  •  Unpolished rice 250 g
  • Jaggery powder100g
  • Bhatham 5
  • Cashew 5
  • 2*2 cloth
  • Seasonal Pot 1
  • Oil 100 ml
  • Ghee2tsp

  • 01

    Take rice into a bowl add water wash well

  • 02

    Wash twice or thrice changing water

  • 03

    Clear the dust

  • 04

    Add water soak 2 hours

  • 05

    After washing rice

  • 06

    Grinding rice. Use to wetgriend add shocked rice

  • 07

    Add water 300 ml start to grinting in to interval

  • 08

    Grind till batter is soft 30 minutes take

  • 09

    Take batter in bowl

  • 10

    The batter keep to two parts of bowl

  • 11

    In case batter comes to thin if you add some extra batter

  • 12

    Use to single burner stove

  • 13

    Place the seasonal pot.fix with wires

  • 14

    Heat a pot till it. 110c

  • 15

    Take oil in Plate

  • 16

    Dip a cloth oil. Apply the pot

  • 17

    Take a batter into a plate

  • 18

    The batter constancy like that rava dosa

  • 19

    Approximately 300 g batter 150 ml water add

  • 20

    Take a 2*2 cloth wash 3 times in water. wash well.

  • 21

    Squeeze out of the water from the cloth

  • 22

    Reduced flame one time rub the surface oil cloth.in pot. Check batter consistency. Coat a batter on the cloth. Dip the cloth on batter lift to drin excess batter

  • 23

    The pot coat the batter on the hot pot

  • 24

    Full cloth fast in one stretch

  • 25

    Coated on the pot a thin sheet. thin layer of batter.gets heated on the hot pot. this is very crispy. keep safe and care fully remove the sheet

  • 26

    Ready to take one basket place the sheet

  • 27

    Again increase flame. Make the sheets

  • 28

    This is good for 15 ti 20 days. Store in card board box to retain crispy

  • 29

    Cover the box

  • 30

    Take a pan heat Melt ghee and add batham, chashew roasted to all

  • 31

    Grind a roasted batham, cashew and add jaggery graind to fine powder

  • 32

    Take one soft cloth dip water. Squeeze water cloth. Take a two sheets light wet cloth to soften the sheet. where ever it is crisp

  • 33

    Place the sheet another sheet. Sprinkle powder on the ghee coated sheet

  • 34

    Press lightly folded form other side press lightly

  • 35

    Agian folded to half way thourgh second floding other side.

  • 36

    Now floded sheet ready. Paper sweet or pootaregulu ready

  • 37

    It is very famous for andhra prathesh.

  • 38

    This very sweet and crunchy snacks
