Hilsa Paturi - A west bengal dish


Nutritional Value : 100 g serving of hilsa contains roughly 310 calories, 25 g of protein and 22 g of fat. it also have 27% Vitamin C, 2% iron, and 24% of calcium

Dish Seasons : Rainy Season

Ingredients : hilsa Fish 200g white mustard 1Tea spoon black mustard 1Tea spoon Poppy Seeds 2Table spoon green chili 5 pieces mustard oil 2 table spoon salt and sugar according to test turmeric powder 1/2 Tea spoon coconut past 1 table spoon Banana leaf

Method : Clean the fish with fresh water. make a mixture of white and black mustard past, Poppy seeds past, green chili past, coconut past, turmeric powder, salt, sugar and mustered oil(1 table spoon). Put all the mixture into the fish and mix with hand. Leave the mixture for 30 minutes. during this time we need to prepare the banana leaf. wash the banana leaf into hot water and then put the fish mixture into the leaf and pack properly the leaf with the help of cotton threat. After that, turn on the gas and hit the frying pan then put table spoon oil. once the oil will be hot enough low down the temperature and place the banana leaf packing into the frying pan. Cover the pan and leave it for 5 minutes. Then open the cover and turn the banana leaf packing another side. once both the side will be fry turn of the gas and enjoy the Hilsa Paturi with rice.

Any Medicinal/ Therapeutic properties : it is rich in essential fatty acids (omega 3 fatty acids) and help to develop a healthy brain and nervous system and lower blood cholesterol level

Submitted by : Jhuma Paul
